At BCCS, students have the opportunity to explore and develop their dreams,
talents and passions both inside and outside of the classroom. While Barry County Christian School offers every student an excellent education, students may also participate in a variety of activities that encourage leadership, fun, creativity, social development and a commitment to servanthood.
Our students discover and build lifelong pursuits and friendships as they are involved in activities such as community service, student council, clubs, class retreats and performing arts performances.

Commitment. Dedication. Effort. Teamwork. Trust. Qualities that will develop you physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually.
As a student-athlete, you want to know that the time you spend practicing and preparing for competition matters. Although no one can guarantee you the results of a game, we focus on skills that will prepare our students for life’s challenges.
Students are offered many opportunities to discover and develop their artistic talents from a Christian world view.
Each year BCCS students are recognized for their artistic abilities at local art, band, and choir events and concerts by performing in outstanding plays, musicals and concerts throughout the year.

Student Leadership
Many become impassioned about a cause or activity, and we motivate students to pursue their interests and lead the way.
BCCS provides an avenue to guide and promote student leadership. There are many opportunities for students to share their passions with the entire student population.
Student Expo
The Barry County Christian School Student Expo is held annually to highlight student research, technical skills, and creative works. BCCS and local community members, including elementary, middle, and high school students, are encouraged to attend the Expo to see how BCCS students are furthering knowledge and benefitting society.

High School Banquet
The Secondary (9th - 12th grade) Banquet is a fun time for our secondary students. The students are involved in the planning of the event, and enjoy an evening dressed in their finest attire, a sit down dinner and a fun activity ending with a bonfire to close out the night!

Mock Trials
In Mock Trial, students work side by side with local, real life attorneys and other professionals as their coaches to prepare a fictional civil or criminal case for trial at regional and state competitions.
Because every trial is unique, Mock Trial cultivates exceptional confidence, poise and the ability to think on one’s feet while under pressure.
Student Council
Student Council is a student-led organization of elected officials within the secondary student body. Council representatives participate in many service-led projects, as well as hosting various events for the student body.

National Honor Society
National Honor Society (NHS) was established in 1921 to recognize outstanding high school students. NHS is more than just academic recognition, rather it serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service and character. Local chapters create their own bylaws that are consistent and comply with the NHS national constitution.