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Frequently Asked Questions
& BCCS Quick Facts

Barry County Christian School is Inspiring and Equipping Students to Achieve Their God Given Potential.

  • ACCS Accreditation
    We are affiliated with ACCS nationally. At the state level we are a state-recognized private school with the authority to issue high school diplomas that are accepted at all post-secondary institutions statewide.
  • 16 To 1 Student to Teacher Ratio
    Research shows that small class sizes allow for more 1 on 1 teacher to student interactions. Studies also show that small class sizes help with affective classroom management. At BCCS we believe in a 20 to 1 student to teacher ratio for quality and effective education.
  • Curriculum Standards
    BCCS exceeds State of Michigan graduation requirements. All of our students are uniquely prepared for college, post-secondary training, trade schools, community college, or the world of work. Their educational options are limitless, and with classical training, BCCS graduates enter the world ready to learn and grow, fully prepared to buck the norms of society.
  • Financial Assistance
    Currently, 34% of BCCS families receive financial assistance through our tailored tuition program. The reality is that anyone considering a BCCS education can afford a BCCS education.
  • Success Plan
    Individualized Education Plans: BCCS collaborates directly with parents and our local educational partners to create plans for student success. In house, Barry County Christian School writes success plans for a variety of needs including: medical plans, academic advancement plans, academic growth plans, behavior, and personal management plans.
  • Denominational Ties
    BCCS is a non denominational school. We do not align ourselves with any church or denomination, and likewise we do not receive funding from any denomination or local church.
  • Good For Students
    In a recent report, NCES found that private schools had students who scored higher on standardized tests, had more demanding graduation requirements, and sent more graduates to college than public schools. The report said that students who had completed at least the eighth grade in a private school were twice as likely as other students to graduate from college as a young adult. NCES statistics also showed that students in private schools are much more likely than others to take advanced-level high school courses. Students thrive when allowed to learn in a safe and supportive environment. Joint reports by the NCES and the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and a private study by the Horatio Alger Association have found that private school students are significantly more likely than others to feel safe and be safe in their schools.
  • Good for Families
    Choosing a school for their children is one of the most important decisions parents must make. Whether they move into a school district, apply to a private school, or adjust family duties to make home schooling possible, most families want school choice. For the parents of more than six million children, the choice is private education. They choose a private education for many reasons, with quality academics, a safe and orderly environment, and moral and ethical values the common reasons cited. And choice makes them satisfied consumers. The NCES reports that more than three-quarters of private school parents are "very satisfied" with their child’s school compared with less than half of parents whose children were assigned to a public school. Parents often look to private schools as an extension of the home in promoting the values they embrace, and private schools respond. A recent NCES survey found that promoting religious/spiritual life was second only to academic excellence in the goals of private school principals.
  • Good for the Community
    Nothing in a community is more important than the education of the next generation of its citizens. In standardized tests designed to measure how well American youth are prepared to meet their citizenship responsibilities, students in private schools score higher than their public school counterparts [Info]. Public Agenda, a national research organization, found that adults believed, by a wide margin, that private schools do a better job of providing a quality education than public schools. That’s why we say, Private education promotes the public good and is a staple in its community.
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